Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Whats up?

Ok, so I was suppose to leave on the first of June. Didn't happen, visa problems, I can thank Canadain Customs for that. Well about 4 weeks later and a changing my ticket 3 times I finally sorted out my visa problem and made it to Recife.

Im here now and trying to catch up for lost time. I was picked up at the airpot by Victor, who I am staying with now. First thing we did was a little sight seeing. After we went to his Grandmothers for Sunday brunch. There was so much food, I had rice and beans with pork "Feijoada " and tried some ice cream made from fruit growen in thier front yard.

After we went to a bar to watch U.S. vs Brazil. I told my host Family that I eat anything and they tried to get me with galinha do coracao (BBQ Chicken hearts). Thinking about it right now I wish I could have some. Here is when Brazil tied the game 2-2

Here are some pics

And of course I tried some Cachaça!

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